Saturday, February 19, 2011

An elephants spine is no place for your testicles...

.... And Sander learned this the hard way, and after a long day of bare-back elephant riding, he is waddling like a pregnant girl with a broken Coccyx. I spent my time on the elephant grinning and recounting my blessings:

A) my decided lack of testies;
B) and being a woman, and naturally tougher.

Thom's Elephant Camp recovered their amazing creatures from the Thai logging industry after it went belly up. Gentle and sweet, but a force to be reckoned with, our elephant (who I nicknamed 'Squeek') had a wicked sense of humor. After being forced to listen to Sander complain about the comfortability of her back, she had the good sense to dump him in the river. What elephant could resist? Sander is just so tiny! That said, I quickly found myself unceremoniously flying ass-over-tea-kettle into the bubbling water as well. We played and splashed, and played some more, with the little Thai 'Keeper' goading the elephant to blast us with her trunk. Drenched in elephant snot and river water, we happily headed back. In the last 30 minutes the Keeper told Sander that sitting on the neck was more comfortable for men. Didn't he know? Silly Sander. Lurching side to side and considering it my 'core' exercise for the day, I happily picked river weeds out of my teeth all the way home.


1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine an elephant bucking you guys off. That's awesome. Hope your travels are going well :)
