Friday, February 11, 2011

Made it to Bangkok

After 32+ hours of flying and some minor snags along the way (as per usual stand-by procedures), we made it safely to Thailand. Objective one; accomplished. We found a hostel that is noisy, albeit clean. I am currently plotting a zip-tie-to-throat revenge scheme aimed at the rooster family who are ... roosting ... right outside our window. Both of us were releived to find that nothing in SE Asia has changed in our absence - everything still smells like an oil-seared wok sitting un-used in the blazing sun with a wet cat missing 2 legs napping in it. Thank god.
In out haste to enjoy as much green and red Thai curry as possible, we overlooked the need to book a long distance train in advance, and so, will not be leaving Bangkok until Feb. 12. We are soon headed due north, to Chiang Mai. After that, we try our luck at a Laos border.

Sander is currently proof reading a European author's latest work, on the computer next to us. Proof reading, down the propper spelling of the word "tits". Needless to say, the backpacker area in Bangkok (KhoaSan Road) is crawling with .... neat people. Dare I say, people watching here is more fascinaing than the Thai people themselves.

Will update you promptly. Excited to be getting out of Bangkok. (Since prostitutes and bad western breakfasts aren't my thing.)

Stay classy,

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